Other Documents

UN Resolutions Language
ECOSOC 2006/23 - Strengthening basic principles of judicial conduct English
Assessment of the Integrity of the Justice System in three Nigerian States, 2006 - English (pdf) English


United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Language
Judicial Ethics Training Manual for the Nigerian Judiciary, 2006 - English (pdf) English
ECOSOC 2007/22 - Strengthening basic principles of judicial conduct - English (pdf) English


Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Language
Preventing Corruption in the Judiciary System - A Practical Guide - English (pdf) English
Judicial Integrity - Driver for Development - Factsheet - English (pdf) English
How to note - Implementing the Bangalore Principles - English (pdf) English
How to note - Implementing the Bangalore Principles - French (pdf) French
How to note - Implementing the Bangalore Principles - Spanish (pdf) Spanish


Codes of Conduct Language
Belize - Code of Judicial Conduct and Etiquette - English (pdf) English
Finland - Ethical Principles for Judges - English (pdf) English
Georgia - Judges Ethics Code - English (external link) English
Northern Ireland - A Statement of Ethics for the Judiciary in Northern Ireland - English (pdf) English
Philippines - New Code of Judicial Conduct for the Philippine Judiciary - English(external link) English
Scotland - Statement of Principles of Judicial Ethics for the Scottish Judiciary - English (pdf) English
South Africa - Code of Judicial Conduct - English (pdf) English


Guides to Judicial Conduct Language
Australia - Guide to Judicial Conduct - English (pdf) English
Canada - Ethical Principles for Judges - English (pdf) English
Canada - Principes de Déontologie Judiciare - French (pdf) French
England and Wales - Guide to Judicial Conduct - English (pdf) English
Hong Kong - Guide to Judicial Conduct - English (pdf) English


Documents related to Conferences and Workshops

International Conference on the Challenges of Judicial Reform in the South Caucasus, Tbilisi, 4-5 April 2011
Documentation on Tbilisi conference on Judicial Integrity, April 2011 (German) including Tbilisi Recommendations - English (pdf) English
Tbilisi Recommendations on Judicial Integrity - Russian (pdf) Russian


Regional Workshop on Judicial Integrity in Southeast Asia, Jakarta, 26-27 January 2012 Language
Communiqué - English (pdf) English
Judicial Integrity: Principles, Strategy and Implementation, speech by Michael Kirby - English (pdf) English
Workshop Agenda - English (pdf) English


Seminar on Judicial Integrity and the Fight Against Corruption, Bangkok, 12-13 March 2012 Language
Advancing the Cause of Judicial Integrity in the Asia/Pacific Region - English (pdf), speech by Michael Kirby English
Seminar Agenda - English (pdf) English


Conference of Chief Justices and Senior Justices of the Asian Region, Istanbul, 20-21 November 2013
The Istanbul Declaration on Transparency in the Judicial Process - English (pdf) English


Court Decisions Language
Gibraltar - Privy Council No 0016 of 2009 - English (pdf)
Re Chief Justice of Gibraltar [ 2010] 2 Law reports of the Commonwealth 450. Decision of the Privy Council in the challenge by Chief Justice Schofield to the Crown's removal of him from the office of Chief Justice of Gibraltar.